Julie Shen

Julie Shen

Business, Hospitality & Computer Science Librarian, Research & Instruction, University Library


I am the Business, Hospitality, and Computer Science librarian. I work primarily with students, faculty, and staff in the following academic areas (click to see my library guides, tutorials, and videos):

Also see:


Please contact me for any of the following:
  1. a new or updated library guide/video customized for your class.
  2. a guest lecture about library resources available to support your students in successfully completing a class project.
  3. help in locating a book, an article, or other kinds of information for your research project.


Please contact me for any of the following:
  1. You are struggling with your research topic.
  2. You can't find the right data or information for your project.
  3. You have a question about citation styles or copyright/fair use.
  4. You're planning your life after college and want to research careers in different industries.

Contact me using the links on the right or email me anytime at jshen@cpp.edu.

Service Activities

This year I'm serving on the following:

